Photo of UC Santa Cruz researcher in a lab

Career Planning

UC Santa Cruz and the Graduate Division provide several career development opportunities.

ACS website image

American Chemistry Society (ACS)

Career navigator, provides workshops and courses (some require membership).

ASBMB Career development screenshot

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB)

Provides free webinars on career development.

ibiology logo


Provides free online seminars and courses covering various topics in biology. Also offering professional development course “Planning Your Scientific Journey”.

myIDP website image


Online career planning tool: know your values, assess different career paths, and develop personal career plans.

PhD career guide

Information on different career paths for PhDs, details on entry point, employer lists, application process, starting salary, growth opportunity, exit options.

Logo of the website

Versatile PhD

Online community for non-academic career development, stories of PhDs transitioning into different jobs, their resume and statement. Sign in with your UCSC ID to use.

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