Training and Mentoring
At the University of California, the postdoctoral experience emphasizes scholarship and continued research training under the oversight of a faculty mentor.
The University of California Academic Personnel Manual: Appointment and Promotion: Postdoctoral Scholars (APM – 390, a pdf file) states in Section 390-6 Responsibility, paragraph a.:
Faculty mentors are responsible for guiding and monitoring the advanced training of Postdoctoral Scholars. In that role, faculty mentors should make clear the goals, objectives, and expectations of the training program and the responsibilities of Postdoctoral Scholars. They should regularly and frequently communicate with Postdoctoral Scholars, provide regular and timely assessments of the Postdoctoral Scholar’s performance, and provide career advice and job placement assistance.
Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells
IRACDA Training Program
The UCSC Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC) Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA) Postdoctoral fellowships at UCSC. IRACDA fellowships are for postdoctoral scholars in the life sciences who are pursuing academic career tracks and would like to gain pedagogy (teaching) and mentoring training in preparation for future careers as professors and academic researchers and educators. Find information here.
CIRM Training Program
The UCSC Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC) manages the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) sponsored Postdoctoral and Predoctoral fellowships at UCSC. CIRM fellowships are for postdoctoral and predoctoral sciences in the life sciences conducting stem cell, regenerative, and other research aligned with CIRM research priorities. CIRM fellowships are for scholars wishing to pursue diverse career goals including academic, non-profit, industry/biotech/pharma, and more.
T32 Training Program
The UCSC Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC) manages the NIH-sponsored T32 Postdoctoral fellowships at UCSC. T32 fellowships are for postdoctoral scholars in the life sciences who are conducting research aligned with NIGMS research priorities (including stem cell research) and wish to pursue research careers in a related field of study.
Genentech Foundation Sponsored Academic Inspiration Network (GAIN)
The UCSC Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC), manages the Genentech- Foundation Sponsored Academic Inspiration Network (GAIN) program that provides UCSC STEM Postdocs with opportunities to mentor undergraduate researchers for a two (2) month summer research internship.
NIH-Required Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Rigor and Reproducibility (R&R) Training for Postdocs
As part of the IRACDA Training Program, the IBSC provides regular workshops on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Rigor and Reproducibility (R&R) that satisfy the NIH training requirement at the Postdoctoral career level. Please note that these workshops are conducted as part of the larger training programs.
Additional Training
As part of the training programs it administers, the IBSC offers additional training opportunities, workshops, and courses including a Stem Cell Ethics workshop; Grant Writing workshop; as well as external training opportunities including but not limited to laboratory management; FLOW/FACS; and more.
Additional Resources
Teaching and Learning Center (TLC)
The UC Santa Cruz Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) offers postdoc-specific mentoring training.
UCSC’s Learning & Development
The UCSC Learning & Development provides job training and professional development resources for all campus staff.